The motto of our Mechina – a division for the 7th and 8th grade – is clear and effective. As our young Bar Mitzvah age talmidim continue on their path towards Mesivta, the environment is at once demanding and encouraging. The talmidim’s growth is real and internal, preparing them for the next stage. The Rebbeim exude enthusiasm and confidence, and convey to talmidim a sense of respect and confidence in their abilities.
Mechina Ohr Yonah is named for R’ Yonah Blumenfrucht z”l. A quintessential Torah Vodaath talmid, R’ Yonah was a talmid chocham, kind and generous individual who embodied the values and ideal of his great Rebbeim at Torah Vodaath.

“Our commitment to each Talmid is to infuse within, a sense of pride, in an encouraging positive environment; and empower him to recognize what he can achieve.”
– Rabbi Eli Braunstein, Menahel

“Our Mechina molds talmidim to become well-rounded members of Klal Yisroel, as in the century-long derech of Torah Vodaath. It is just that—Torah, and knowledge.”
– Mr. Sol Blum, Principal – General Studies
Rabbi Eli Braunstein
Mr. Sol Blum
Principal, General Studies
Rabbi Shloyme Gottdiener
Assistant Principal, General Studies