The Kollel Partnership כתר הכולל - KESSER HAKOLLEL - $180,000.00 בוני הכולל - KOLLEL BUILDER - $120,000.00 תומך הכולל - KOLLEL PATRON + $90,000.00 חבורה לשנה - CHABURAH PARTNER - $60,000.00 ראש חבורה לשנה - ROSH CHABURA PARTNER - $36,000.00 חברותא לשנה - CHAVRUSAH PARTNER - $24,000.00 חזקה לאברך- AVREICH PATRON - $18,000.00 אברך לשנה - AVREICH PARTNER - $12,000.00 Kollel Amount Total All partnership contributions receive a complimentary corresponding journal adFor General Dinner Donation Click Here Yes, I would like to learn more about the Special dedication opportunities. Please contact me. DINNER JOURNAL Legacy Partner Visionary Partner Pillar of Torah Builder of Torah Chaver of Torah Chai Page Sponsor Patron Benefactor Diamond Page Gold Page Silver Page Full Page Half Page Quarter Page *INSERTIONS OF A FULL PAGE AD OR GREATER INCLUDE TWO COMPLIMENTARY DINNER RESERVATIONS*INSERTIONS OF A FULL PAGE AD OR GREATER INCLUDE TWO COMPLIMENTARY DINNER RESERVATIONSCONTRIBUTION AMOUNTPlease include the following ad text in the journalPLEASE PLACE DINNER RESERVATIONS FOR: COUPLE PERSON SORRY, I AM UNABLE TO ATTEND MenPlease enter a number greater than or equal to 1.WomenPlease enter a number greater than or equal to 1.Name* First Last Address* Street Address Address Line 2 City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code PHONE (HOME)PHONE (CELL)Email* Pay Other Amount Pay other amount This selection will allow you to submit a smaller payment via credit card right now, and you will be billed for the rest of your pledge.Enter Amount* Total amount to be paidPaying NowBalance AmountTotal Amount Price: $0.00 Total $0.00 Payment MethodPLEASE BILL MEMASTERCARD / VISA / AMEX / DISCOVERCredit Card American ExpressDiscoverMasterCardVisa Card Number Month010203040506070809101112 Year20252026202720282029203020312032203320342035203620372038203920402041204220432044 Expiration Date Security Code Cardholder Name NameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Please wait a few seconds after clicking the submit button. Do not click the submit button more than once.